
  • Director General
    Dr. James Edwin
    Dr. James Edwin - Director General NaMED
                  Dr. James Edwin
    Dr. James Edwin is the Director General and Chairman of the National Monitoring and Evaluation Agency (NaMEA), in the Office of the President, Sierra Leone. He has more than twenty (20) years of professional experience in managing for result across levels of Government, International organizations and private sector. Previously, he worked at the World Trade Organization (WTO), Switzerland, as Head of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Enhanced Integrated Framework covering Fifty One (51) Countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific Regions. Previous, he was Principal Evaluator in the Operations Evaluation Department at the Africa Development Bank, Tunisia, and before that was a Professor of Evaluation and Public Policy at the Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska, Anchorage, USA. Read More
    • Deputy Director General
      • Director - Economy
        • Manager - Economy
      • Director - Infrastructure
        • Manager - Infrastructure
      • Director - Governance
        • Manager - Governance
        • Manager - Governance
      • Director - Human Capital
        • Manager - HCD
      • Director - COPs
        • Manager - COPs-Dev
        • Manager - COPs-Dev