Welcome Address and Opening Remarks by the Deputy Mayor Bo District Council
In his welcome address to participants, the Deputy Mayor of Bo City gave a brief background of the project and mentioned how it would benefit fifteen (15) Local Councils through the disbursement of development grants for several project implementations.
Also, commented on challenges faced by M&E Officers among other staff in Local Councils (LCs) in monitoring implementation of project activities while expressing M&E Officers are mostly called upon to monitor project implementation either at the mid or end-term of the project.
To conclude, all presents were assured that NaMED is here with the overall mandate to monitor and evaluate the Government of Sierra Leone and Donor funded projects, programs, and policies, improve capacity building, and more so to ensure integrated data platforms for monitoring and accountability to improve basic service delivery which is the focus of Accountable Governance and Basic Delivery Project (AGBSDP).
Overview of the Accountable Governance for Basic Service Delivery by Deputy Director General of NaMED
In his inaugural statement, stated that the project duration is six (6) years with funds from World Bank (WB) amounting to USD 40 million and was developed within three (3) years by NaMED, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MoPED), Ministry of Finance (MoF), Ministry of Basic and Senior Education (MoBSSE), National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA), etc. The project officially became effective on 25th June 2022, intending to improve the resource management system, skill development, capacity building, financial management, strengthening transparency and accountability, and delivery of local community development enabling basic service delivery.
Component two of the project focuses on making available development grant to Local Councils (LCs) and will be managed by the Ministry of Finance (MoF). Component three-Integrated Data Platforms for Monitoring and Accountability) is assigned to NaMED for implementation.
The pre-consultation is concerned with component three, six key activities to be implemented this year. NaMED thought it wise to provide information about the project to beneficiaries (Local Councils) for coordination and to ensure successful project implementation.
The workshop is to ensure that all participants have a clear understanding and knowledge of the project and provide input on how it would contribute to building on their skills development.

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